Who We Are


Everyone is talking about recycling and converting to using more sustainable and bio degradable materials which is great, but what about products that already exist in the market and in peoples homes? What’s next for them? These materials are destined for the landfill and will still exist long after we are gone. In a bid to reduce the planet’s carbon footprint Reconstructed by WHC are giving existing off the shelf and rescued pre loved clothing a new lease of life by repurposing and upcycling. By extending the life of these materials, we can reduce the need to manufacture new products, which in turn reduces the use of raw materials, energy, and water.


We are committed to making a positive impact through responsible fashion. Clothing production can have a significant environmental and social impact, from the
use of water, energy, and resources to the treatment of workers in the supply chain. By prioritizing ethical and sustainable production practices, you’re helping to
reduce these negative impacts and create a more just and equitable fashion industry.

We want to bring together like-minded individuals who are committed to making a difference and build a community that supports responsible and sustainable
fashion by creating inspiring and uplifting clothing, we encourage others to join in this movement and make a positive impact in their own lives and communities.


Like you, we here at Reconstructed by WHC are regular people with regular fashion temptations. We also gave in to fast fashion to keep up
with the ever-changing fashion trends, in order to feel socially accepted. We get it, the pressure of the bandwagon effect is so very real.

But with age comes wisdom, finally we realized that not only did we give up on our uniqueness, we also lost a bit of our integrity along the
way. The biggest eye opener of all, which is no secret, is that our mother earth is suffering from the repercussions of our fashion choices
and lifestyle. The fashion industry makes up 10% (second largest) of humanity’s carbon emissions.

Our goal is to reduce fabric waste and spread awareness, to strive towards a carbon-neutral fashion industry, built on equality, social
justice, animal welfare and ecological integrity all while making you look uniquely stylish.